Representing Christ to our world

We define missions as "any endeavor to exalt Christ outside our local congre­gation by demonstrating His love and proclaiming the gospel with the goal of making devoted disciples and seeing them become an active part of local congregations."

Meet Our Missionaries

Tom and Dora Becker serve with ReachGlobal, concentrating on the Roma people of Eastern Europe.

Todd and Kristi Hiltibran serve with ReachGlobal in Europe.

Jim and Kay Panaggio serve with ReachGlobal, providing theological education and leadership training among Hispanics in Latin America.

Rick and Carol Hudson serve with Fellowship International Mission as speakers, coaches, and trainers for missionaries.

John and Karen Winkelman serve with FamilyLife, a ministry of Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ), in Orlando, Florida.

Andrew and Susana Schaad serve with SEND International in Spain.

Corey and Katie Garrett serve with SIM (Serving in Mission) in Senegal.

Undisclosed Missionaries serve in Eurasia and Eastern Europe.

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Short-Term Partnerships

are opportunities for teams from our church to serve alongside missionaries, churches, and other organizations in planting and strengthening churches, meeting needs, and empowering others to share Christ’s love in their communities.
  1. Accessible to the congregation in cost & logistics
  2. Offers various ways to serve
  3. Creates joy as congregants see God work
  4. Captures hearts for missions

Long-Term Partnerships

are relationships between our U.S. church and a church in a foreign country based on a common vision of building up the body of Christ through a mutual exchange of resources and spiritual gifts.
  1. Gives the church a strategic focus for missions
  2. Makes missions personal to congregation
  3. Allows the entire congregation to participate in missions through prayer & financial generosity